WEIGHT VALVE (PRESSURE REGULATOR) The weight valve maintains and controls the steam pressure inside the Pressure Cooker at a constant level while cooking. It continuously releases out the excess steam from the Pressure Cooker.
GASKET RELEASE SYSTEMThis unique feature provides adequate safety in the event of build up of excess pressure or malfunctioning of the Weight Valve. A cut out has been provided on the rim of the lid allowing the gasket to protrude out and release steam on excessive pressure build up. The rubber gasket is specially formulated to ensure long life. It does not impart any color, taste or odor to the food cooked in your pressure cooker.
SAFETY VALVEIn case of any excess pressure (in-spite of the Weight Valve release facility and Gasket Release System) the Safety Valve provides an escape outlet. The Safety Valve contains a special fusible alloy pellet that melts when the temperature in relation to the pressure rises beyond safe levels.